Daily Reports
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Daily Archive Report
Parameter Max Max Time Min Min Time Average Wind Direction 283 2:13 25 1:41 180 Wind Speed 19 0:53 0 0:00 1 Wind Gust 19 0:53 0 0:00 8 In Humidity 61 5:05 59 0:00 60 Humidity 81 6:45 77 0:00 79 In Temp 22.1 0:04 19.4 6:53 20.6 Out Temp 10.2 0:46 7.8 6:37 8.8 Total Rain 118.2 3:42 117.4 0:00 117.9 SL Barometer 1019.9 6:58 1018.0 0:00 1019.0
Today's Data File
18/1/25 Time Wind Dir Wind Spd Wind Gust Hum In Humidity Temp In Temp Tot Rain Barom SL DailyRain HourRain ° km/hr km/hr % % °C °C mm hPa mm mm 0:00 119 0 0 59 77 22.0 9.8 117.4 1018.0 0.0 0.2 0:30 119 0 3 59 78 22.1 9.9 117.6 1018.2 0.2 0.2 1:00 171 6 19 59 79 21.8 9.8 117.6 1018.8 0.2 0.2 1:30 92 10 14 60 79 21.5 9.2 117.8 1018.5 0.4 0.4 2:00 26 0 14 60 79 21.3 8.9 117.8 1019.0 0.4 0.4 2:30 259 0 6 60 79 20.9 8.8 117.8 1019.2 0.4 0.2 3:00 259 2 6 60 79 20.6 8.3 117.8 1019.5 0.4 0.2 3:30 186 0 10 60 80 20.4 8.9 118.0 1019.4 0.6 0.2 4:00 186 0 10 60 79 20.2 8.8 118.2 1019.3 0.8 0.4 4:30 187 0 3 60 80 20.1 8.3 118.2 1019.3 0.8 0.4 5:00 187 0 3 60 80 19.9 8.3 118.2 1018.5 0.8 0.4 5:30 187 0 5 61 80 19.7 8.3 118.2 1018.7 0.8 0.0 6:00 187 2 6 61 80 19.7 8.0 118.2 1019.1 0.8 0.0 6:30 187 0 3 61 80 19.6 7.9 118.2 1019.5 0.8 0.0 7:00 157 0 8 61 81 19.4 8.1 118.2 1019.7 0.8 0.0
Yesterday's Data File
Parameter Max Max Time Min Min Time Average Wind Direction 360 2:29 10 11:43 112 Wind Speed 63 16:06 0 0:01 12 Wind Gust 63 16:06 0 19:00 34 In Humidity 61 5:49 59 0:00 60 Humidity 77 21:34 64 12:08 71 In Temp 22.0 23:27 18.6 6:39 20.1 Out Temp 15.8 12:38 10.2 20:46 13.0 Total Rain 117.4 22:29 75.6 0:00 92.9 SL Barometer 1025.5 0:02 1015.1 16:04 1019.7
Yesterday's Data File
17/1/25 Time Wind Dir Wind Spd Wind Gust Hum In Humidity Temp In Temp Tot Rain Barom SL DailyRain HourRain ° km/hr km/hr % % °C °C mm hPa mm mm 0:00 123 2 14 59 74 20.2 10.6 75.6 1025.5 0.0 0.0 0:30 82 3 11 59 74 20.0 10.6 75.6 1025.2 0.0 0.0 1:00 142 6 11 59 75 19.8 10.7 75.6 1024.9 0.0 0.0 1:30 113 6 16 60 75 19.7 11.2 75.6 1024.3 0.0 0.0 1:59 104 11 31 60 75 19.6 12.0 75.6 1024.1 0.0 0.0 2:30 83 13 26 60 69 19.5 13.2 75.6 1023.8 0.0 0.0 3:00 74 8 32 60 65 19.3 13.9 75.6 1023.5 0.0 0.0 3:30 76 13 39 60 67 19.2 13.6 76.0 1023.0 0.4 0.4 4:00 82 11 39 60 66 19.1 13.8 76.0 1022.3 0.4 0.4 4:30 127 16 50 60 67 18.9 13.7 76.2 1022.2 0.6 0.6 5:00 155 10 50 60 68 18.8 13.5 78.0 1021.8 2.4 2.4 5:30 120 16 32 60 70 18.8 13.2 80.4 1021.8 4.8 4.4 6:00 135 32 37 61 71 18.7 13.2 83.8 1021.9 8.2 7.8 6:30 126 11 34 61 72 18.7 13.4 84.0 1021.9 8.4 6.0 7:00 113 13 34 61 72 18.7 13.2 85.8 1021.9 10.2 7.8 7:30 92 13 31 60 73 19.5 13.1 87.2 1021.5 11.6 3.4 8:00 121 11 37 60 74 19.9 13.4 87.2 1021.2 11.6 3.4 8:30 98 19 53 60 73 19.9 13.7 87.4 1020.9 11.8 1.6 9:00 118 16 53 60 72 19.8 14.0 87.4 1021.0 11.8 1.6 9:30 38 16 48 60 69 19.6 14.3 87.4 1021.0 11.8 0.2 10:00 102 26 51 61 68 19.4 14.8 87.4 1020.5 11.8 0.2 10:30 83 11 55 61 67 19.3 14.8 87.4 1020.5 11.8 0.0 11:00 46 16 55 61 66 19.2 15.1 87.4 1020.6 11.8 0.0 11:30 141 11 48 61 66 19.1 15.4 87.4 1019.8 11.8 0.0 12:00 112 27 48 61 65 19.0 15.5 87.4 1019.2 11.8 0.0 12:30 148 10 50 61 65 19.3 15.6 87.4 1018.1 11.8 0.0 13:00 93 18 50 60 65 20.2 15.5 87.4 1017.7 11.8 0.0 13:30 98 29 56 60 68 20.6 14.9 88.0 1016.8 12.4 0.6 14:00 131 21 56 60 68 20.8 14.9 88.8 1016.8 13.2 1.4 14:30 110 11 43 60 69 21.1 14.8 89.6 1016.0 14.0 2.2 15:00 131 16 47 60 68 21.3 14.8 90.4 1016.0 14.8 3.0 15:30 96 21 31 59 70 21.6 14.6 94.2 1015.8 18.6 5.4 16:00 124 29 53 59 71 21.7 14.4 98.2 1015.5 22.6 9.4 16:30 122 14 63 59 71 21.7 14.4 100.0 1015.7 24.4 9.6 17:00 158 18 63 60 71 21.4 14.4 102.0 1015.8 26.4 11.6 17:30 103 6 45 60 71 21.1 11.3 114.2 1016.6 38.6 16.0 18:00 38 5 45 60 72 20.8 11.3 115.2 1016.6 39.6 17.0 18:30 49 0 10 60 73 20.6 11.3 116.8 1016.2 41.2 14.8 19:00 49 0 10 61 73 20.4 11.2 117.0 1016.3 41.4 15.0 19:30 49 0 0 61 74 20.2 11.0 117.0 1016.1 41.4 1.8 20:00 49 0 0 61 74 20.1 10.8 117.2 1016.8 41.6 2.0 20:30 49 0 0 61 74 19.9 10.5 117.2 1017.1 41.6 0.2 21:00 49 0 0 61 75 20.0 10.2 117.2 1017.2 41.6 0.2 21:29 49 0 0 60 76 20.9 10.5 117.2 1017.3 41.6 0.0 22:00 49 0 0 60 77 21.4 10.8 117.2 1017.5 41.6 0.0 22:30 49 0 0 59 77 21.6 10.9 117.4 1018.0 41.8 0.2 23:00 120 0 0 59 77 21.8 10.6 117.4 1018.0 41.8 0.2 23:30 119 0 0 59 77 22.0 10.3 117.4 1018.1 41.8 0.2
Updated Automatically by Ambient Software's
Virtual Weather Station V 15.03
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